

Diver Employment Application Form

Thanks for taking the time to fill in this form. The questions with a "*" are mandatory. There are a lot of questions. It really helps us to employ you if you can give as much information as possible.

For a general inquiry send an email to

Section 1: Personal Details










* [dd/mm/yy]

Gender *

Section 2: Diving Experience

Are you a Qualified Commercial Diver? [If No, Please Go to Section 3]

Approximately how many Commercial Dives have you done, excluding course dives? *

Commercial Diving Certification


Select Highest Diving Qualification Held:

If another type, please specify below:

Do you have a Current SafeWork NSW "Construction Industry Induction Certificate" or "White card"?
[Click here to learn about "White Cards"]


It is compulsory to have a White Card in NSW when working in the construction industry.

Do you have a current Diving Medical? [Note: Medicals must comply with AS2299.1.2015 and be no older than 12 months]

Do you have a Senior First Aid with current CPR certification and Oxygen Provider accreditation? [Note: These certifications must be current]

Section 3: Other Information

Is there anything else you wish to tell us? For Example, what type of work you are looking for/what experience you have.
Tip: Take your time, the better the information you give us, the more likely we are to respond.

Confidentiality: Your details will be kept on our company server. They will not be given to any outside parties or used for purposes other than employment. If you wish to allow us to pass your details on to other reputable Diving Contractors please check the box below:


Thankyou for applying to MDS. Your application will be placed in our database, please ensure your contact details are current.